1. Tungsten production in China
China is the world's richest country which has tungsten resources and the world's largest producer and exporter of tungsten.
2. Tungsten resources in China
With the rapid development of tungsten production, China's tungsten resources reserves are reducing, especially the black tungsten resources.
3. China’s tungsten consumption and the consumption structure
Chinese domestic tungsten consumption generally is 10000 tons / year or so. Statistics show that, from 1980 to 1985, tungsten used to produce steel accounted for 61% of total tungsten consumption and is the largest proportion; while tungsten used to produce hard alloy accounted for only 28% of total tungsten consumption. 1986-1990, tungsten used to produce steel dropped to 48%, and tungsten used to produce hard alloy rises to 40%. 1991-1995, with hard alloy production going high, tungsten used to produce hard alloy rises to 50% of total tungsten consumption.
Zhengzhou Sanhui Co., Ltd is deal in rare metals for more than 20 years. Our catalog boasts 7 categories of refractory metals, including tungsten products, molybdenum products and their alloys. It is no wonder that we have attracted buyers from all over the world. You need not worry about quality, as our products come from our own factory which is ISO 9001:2008 certified.
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