What are the factors that affect the performance of molybdenum bars? The first is the use of temperature, the higher the temperature, the shorter the life span. The furnace atmosphere also affects the function of the molybdenum bar.
In the firing, tungsten rod will have the reaction with the chemical material volatilized from a lot of burned material, ff it contacts with water, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, halogen and other gases and a number of molten aluminum, alkali, salt, molten metal, metal oxide, it will also react and appear corrosion or oxidation phenomenon.
If the specific resistance of molybdenum rods is different, the load of high resistance molybdenum rod in series is concentrated, which is easy to lead to the rapid increase of the resistance of a certain molybdenum rod and the shorter life expectancy. Molybdenum bars are generally used in series and parallel connection.