Scientific research indicates that the conductive property of tungsten lanthanum electrode with 1.5% content is close to that of thorium tungsten electrode. Therefore, welding personnels are able to easily exchange electrodes and not have to exchange the parameters of equipments.
The characteristics of tungsten make tungsten be very suitably to be used for making TIG welding and other similar tungsten electrode materials. Adding oxide of rare earth in tungsten is able to stimulate the electron effusion function, thus improving the welding properties of tungsten electrode: arcing performance of tungsten electrode becomes better, the stability of arc column becomes and the burn out rate of tungsten electrode will be smaller. In general, rare earth additions are cerium oxide, thorium oxide, lanthanum oxide, zirconium oxide and yttrium oxide, etc..
Tungsten lanthanum electrodes have such advantages:
Tungsten lanthanum electrode has better mechanical cutting performance, creep resistance performance, higher recrystallization temperature and good ductility.
Tungsten and molybdenum manufacturer-Zhengzhou Sanhui Co., Ltd has been dealing in refractory metals for over 24 years. We offer a wide range of tungsten and molybdenum products.