Titanium and titanium alloy have low density, high tensile strength, in the -253-600 degrees, its specific strength is almost the highest in metal materials, in appropriate oxidizing environment, it can be formed a thin and strong oxide film, which has excellent corrosion resistance. In addition, it also has non magnetic, small linear expansion coefficient, which makes titanium and alloy first be called for important aerospace structural materials, and subsequently extended to ship manufacturing, chemical industry and other fields, and gotten the rapid development. Especially in the field of chemical industry, more and more products used the titanium and titanium alloy products, such as petrochemical, fiber, pulp, chemical fertilizers, electrochemical and desalination and other industries, to be as the exchanger, the reaction tower, synthesizer, autoclave and so on. Titanium plate used in electrolysis and waste water desalination as titanium electrolytic plate, titanium electrolytic tank, in the titanium reaction tower, titanium reactor was used as the tower body and the kettle body and so on.