
Chinese Tungsten Metal Exports

Tungsten is one of advantageous metals in China. While, China has won the pricing power of tungsten. Chinese tungsten reserves, production, Chinese tungsten metal exports and consumption all rank the first in the world.

China tungsten industry still exists the phenomenon of private, unauthorized and wasteful mining, blind exploitation, tungsten resource is seriously wasted. The comprehensive utilization ratio of tungsten metal is not high. Each one ton of tungsten concentrate production will need to consume the 1.76 tons of tungsten reserves. In accordance with the current mining speed, the tungsten resources in China can only maintain less than 25 years. While the static reserve production ratios of tungsten metal in Russia and Canada are respectively100 years and 400 years. The rapid weakening of Chinese tungsten metal has become an indisputable  fact by horizontal comparison.

As one of the advantageous metals in China, tungsten will be gradually controlled and supplied in order as we anticipate.

Enhance the concentration ratio of tungsten industry and develop strong industrial leaders not only can improve the discourse power and pricing power of Chinese in the world tungsten industry, but also can better implement the national resource strategy and industrial policy, which is consistent with the overall interests of our nation. We estimates that disorderly competition pattern of tungsten industry will become the history and balance tight tungsten resources supply pattern will perhaps become ordinary state. It is expected that in the future the elasticity of tungsten industry supply will remarkably reduce.

Tungsten and molybdenum manufacturer-Zhengzhou Sanhui Co., Ltd also can provide titanium, niobium and other metal products except for  varied tungsten and molybdenum products.
tungsten crucible




Electron-beam furnace Vacuum melting furnace Rolling machine
Machining Equipment-3 Sintering Furnace-2 Powder Metallurgy Hydrogen Furnace
Powder Mixer Pressure Embryo Workshop Sintering Furnace-1