In 2010, tungsten price has strong performance, which exceeded the level of financial crisis in 2008.
Tungsten exports recovered significantly in 2010 and the annual cumulative export accounted to 22 thousand tons, an increase of 74%.
China molybdenum concentrate output was about 80 thousand tons, an increase of 9.6% and was still the first in the world, accounting for 37.4%. In 2010, China molybdenum exports amounted to 19.5 thoudsand tons, an increase of 1.35%; molybdenum imports amounted to 17 thousand tons, a decline of 51.3%. The net imports of molybdenum was 2500 tons. Import and export pattern of molybdenum products realized the change of net imports to net exports.
It is expected that global tungsten consumption for the next 5 years has an average annual growth of 4%, China's Tungsten demand for the next 5 years has an average annual growth of 6%.
Finally, the tungsten and molybdenum development direction in the Twelfth Five-Year plan:
1: Rationally develop and utilize domestic resources and prevent the excessive consumption of resources;
2: Strengthen the rare metal’s new material development and speed up the product upgrades;
3: Strictly control the low-level blind duplicate construction and speed up the transformation of growth mode;
4: Speed up the layout structure adjustment, promote the strategic reorganization and enhance the industrial concentration degree;
5: Promote energy-saving and emission reduction and reduce energy consumption;
6: Strengthen the comprehensive recycling of resources and develop the circular economy and green economy;
7: Actively use of foreign resources and strengthen resource security.
Molybdenum and tungsten manufacturer-Zhengzhou Sanhui Co., Ltd provides various kinds of tungsten and molybdenum products. Come to us for products you want.
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